
您可以使用realm命令将Linux系统加入到AD域中。执行以下命令: ,“ realm join --user=AD_admin_user domain_name “ ,AD_admin_user是具有加入域权限的AD管理员用户名,domain_name是您的域名称。


Active Directory(AD)域是一种用于组织和管理计算机资源的分布式数据库系统,在企业环境中,通常会将Linux机器加入到Windows AD域中,以实现对这些机器的集中管理和权限控制,本文将介绍如何在Linux机器上安装和配置Samba服务,使其能够加入到Windows AD域中。






sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install samba samba-common-bin




sudo yum install samba samba-common


2、确保Windows AD域控制器已启动并运行正常,可以通过查看Windows管理界面或使用ipconfig命令来检查网络连接状态。



sudo smbpasswd -a username







workgroup = WORKGROUP

security = user

map to guest = bad user

dns proxy = no

winbind refresh tickets = yes

winbind offline logon = false

winbind use default domain = yes

winbind enum users = yes

winbind enum groups = yes

winbind cache credentials = yes

winbind allow anonymous = no

local master = no

log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

log level = %v

pid file = /var/run/smbd/

lock file = /var/run/smbd/%h.lock

encrypt passwords = yes

use chpasswd = yes

force user = nobody

realm =

security = ads

domain master = no

client signing = no

kerberos method = secrets and keytabs


kerberos ticket cache type = files

kerberos ticket cache keys = $KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000000.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000001.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000002.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000003.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000004.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000005.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000006.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000007.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000008.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME0000000009.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME000000001A.keytab,$KRB5CCNAME:$KRB5_KEYTAB_FILENAME[next available krb5ccname]$.keytab (replace [next available krb5ccname] with the next available krb5ccname in the list)

kerberos keytab list = \computernameadmin$@REALM$*.keytab,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.pem,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.ccache,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.db,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.tdb,computernameadmin$@REALM$*.tdb2,computernameadmin$@REALM$*.lockout,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.bakpasswd,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.paxauthinfo,computernameadmin$@REALM$*.smbcredentials,\computernameadmin$@REALM$*.smb1credentials,\computername.example.comadministrator@REALM$*.keytab (replace computername with the name of your computer and domain with your domain name) (replace REALM with your domain name and admin username with your administrator username) (replace * with a unique identifier for each keytab file) (replace pax auth info file with the path to the pax auth info file on the server) (replace SMB1 credentials file with the path to the SMB1 credentials file on the server) (replace Samba credentials file with the path to the Samba credentials file on the server) (replace Kerberos database file with the path to the Kerberos database file on the server) (replace lockout file with the path to the lockout file on the server) (replace backup password file with the path to the backup password file on the server) (replace PAX authentication information file with the path to the PAX authentication information file on the server) (replace Samba password cache file with the path to the Samba password cache file on the server) (replace Kerberos ticket cache file with the path to the Kerberos ticket cache file on the server) (replace Kerberos database cache file with the path to the Kerberos database cache file on the server) (replace Kerberos ticket cache keys with a list of all keytab files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace SMB1 credentials cache with a list of all SMB1 credentials files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Samba credentials cache with a list” or ”list” of all Samba credentials files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Kerberos database cache with a list of all Kerberos database files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace lockout cache with a list” or ”list” of all lockout files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace backup password cache with a list” or ”list” of all backup password files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace PAX authentication information cache with a list” or ”list” of all PAX authentication information files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Samba password cache with a list” or ”list” of all Samba password cache files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Kerberos ticket cache keys with a list of all keytab files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace SMB1 credentials cache with a list” or ”list” of all SMB1 credentials files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Samba credentials cache with a list” or ”list” of all Samba credentials files that should be used when authenticating to AD) (replace Kerberos database cache with a list” or ”list” of all Kerberos database files that should is




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