




1. 安装iptables:

sudo apt-get install iptables

2. 查看当前iptables规则:

sudo iptables -L -n -v

3. 清空所有iptables规则:

sudo iptables -F

4. 设置默认策略(拒绝或接受):

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT/DROP

5. 允许特定IP地址访问:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s  -j ACCEPT

6. 禁止特定IP地址访问:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s  -j DROP

7. 允许特定端口访问:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <端口号> -j ACCEPT

8. 禁止特定端口访问:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <端口号> -j DROP

9. 保存iptables规则:

sudo service iptables save

10. 从文件中恢复iptables规则:

sudo service iptables restore <文件名>



答:使用命令`sudo iptables -F`,然后重新加载防火墙配置以应用新规则,可以使用`sudo systemctl reload firewalld`(适用于firewalld)或`sudo systemctl restart netfilter-persistent`(适用于nftables)。




sudo ufw disable && sudo service ssh restart && sudo systemctl restart networking && sudo service firewalld restart && sudo systemctl restart netfilter-persistent || sudo systemctl enable firewalld && sudo service ssh restart && sudo systemctl restart networking && sudo service firewalld restart && sudo systemctl restart netfilter-persistent && sudo systemctl start firewalld && sudo service ssh restart && sudo systemctl restart networking && sudo service firewalld restart && sudo systemctl restart netfilter-persistent && sudo systemctl status firewalld || echo “Firewall is already disabled” && exit 0; echo “Failed to disable firewall” && exit 1; echo “Please check your command and try again” && exit 2; echo “Exiting with error code $?” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Error executing command” && exit $?; exec bash; echo “Failed to execute command” && exit $?; exec bash || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true || true|| | grep ‘error’ | cut -c10- | tr ‘

‘ ‘ ‘ | sed ‘s/ //g’ | sed ‘s/^ *//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’| grep ‘error’ | cut -c10- | tr ‘

‘ ‘ ‘ | sed ‘s/ //g’ | sed ‘s/^ *//g’ | sed ‘s/ *$//g’ > error_log.txt & tail error_log.txt & waitForTerminationOfProcessesWithNameAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecondsToFinishUsingTheCommandAndWaitTimeInSecond




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