
How to Fill in Domn Names on Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a popular operating system used by security professionals and hackers for various purposes. It is a Debian-based Linux distribution that comes with pre-installed tools used for security testing, network ysis, and penetration testing. One of the essential tasks when using Kali Linux is filling in domn names for different purposes, including accessing websites, mapping networks, and testing for vulnerabilities. In this article, we will discuss how to fill in domn names on Kali Linux.

What are Domn Names?

Domn names are unique names given to websites on the internet. They are used to identify and distinguish websites from each other. A domn name consists of two parts, the top-level domn (TLD) and the second-level domn (SLD). For example, in the domn name “google.com,” “.com” is the TLD, and “google” is the SLD. Domn names are used by browsers to access websites and by servers to host websites.

Filling in Domn Names on Kali Linux

There are several ways to fill in domn names on Kali Linux. We will explore some of the most common and useful methods.

Method 1: Using the Terminal

The Terminal is the command-line interface on Kali Linux. You can use it to perform various tasks, including filling in domn names. To fill in a domn name using the Terminal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Terminal.

Step 2: Type “nslookup” followed by the domn name you want to fill in. For example, “nslookup google.com.” This command will query the Domn Name System (DNS) server and display the IP address associated with the domn name.

Step 3: Press “Enter” to execute the command.

Method 2: Using the Hosts File

The Hosts file is a local file used by the operating system to map domn names to IP addresses. You can use it to fill in domn names on Kali Linux. To fill in a domn name using the Hosts file, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Terminal.

Step 2: Type “nano /etc/hosts” to open the Hosts file in the nano editor.

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the file and add a new line with the IP address and domn name you want to fill in. For example, “ google.com.” This line will map the domn name “google.com” to the IP address “”

Step 4: Press “Ctrl + X” to save and exit the file.

Method 3: Using the GUI Interface

Kali Linux also has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that you can use to fill in domn names. The GUI includes a web browser that you can use to access websites. To fill in domn names using the GUI, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the web browser.

Step 2: Type the domn name you want to fill in into the address bar and press “Enter.” The browser will automatically fill in the domn name and display the website.


Filling in domn names on Kali Linux is a simple process that can be done using various methods. These methods include using the Terminal, the Hosts file, and the GUI interface. Depending on your preference and the task at hand, you can choose the most appropriate method. Domn names are essential for accessing websites, mapping networks, and testing for vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is essential to know how to fill in domn names on Kali Linux.


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