
旨在通过对网站内容和代码的优化来使其能够被主流搜索引擎如Google、Bing、Yahoo,1. 选用正确关键词要想成功进行seo优化?


1. 什么是SEO?


SEO,即Search Engine Optimization,中文名叫“搜索引擎优化”。它是一项在互联网上进行的有效市场营销手段,旨在通过对网站内容和代码的优化来使其能够被主流搜索引擎如Google、Bing、Yahoo! 等识别并把相关信息显示出来。

2. SEO的作用

SEO有助于将你的品牌或者产品介绍到大量不同人士看到;它可以帮助你得到有效而便宜的流量; 它可以帮助你树立影响力; 它可以帮助你找到新客户; 并且能够使你在行业中保留一个独特而显眼的存在感。


1. 选用正确关键词

要想成功进行seo优化, 首先就要选用正确的关键词, 这样才能够将相应内容准确呈递出去, 提升seo效果。因此, 要想成功进行seo优化, 首先花时间去思考并选用好各个部分应当使用怎样的关键词。

2. 精心规划URL

URL也是很重要因子之一, URL中应当尽量避免使用不必要字眼(如: www., .com/index.html) , 将URL中就已存在之keyword剪裁出来作为url本身也是很赞之方法。 3. 正文内容优化 正文内容也是seo优化不可或者然之部分, 正文内容应当尽量避开"spam", "copy & paste" 的情況; 多針對keywords作相關語意上之說明與理解 ; 最好能多關注user experience (UX), 追随google algorithm update (Panda / Penguin) , 多寫long tail keywords content ; 最好能多關泊social media sharing button integration ; 多寫original content with fresh ideas and insights . 4. HTML代碼緊密整理 HTML code optimization is also an important part of seo optimization process as it helps search engine to understand the structure of your website better and thus can help you rank higher in SERPs (search engine result pages). You should make sure that all the tags are properly closed and there are no broken links or images on your website which can affect its ranking negatively in search engines like Google etc.. Also try to use relevant meta tags for each page so that they can be indexed correctly by search engines like Google etc.. 5. Sitemap生成與Submission Sitemaps are very important for any website as they provide a clear structure of how different pages on your site are linked together and what kind of information is available on them which makes it easier for search engine crawlers to index them properly in their databases so that users can find them easily when searching through various keywords related to those pages or topics covered by those pages.. Therefore creating sitemaps for your websites is essential if you want good rankings in SERPs (search engine result pages). Once you have created sitemaps then submitting them to major search engines like Google etc will also help improve visibility of your website among potential customers who might be looking out for products or services offered by you online..





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