
SUSE Linux 10: A Detled Explanation of Booting


SUSE Linux 10 refers to a version of the Linux computer operating system that was released by Novell in October 2023. It was unique, as it was one of the first versions of Linux to enable users to run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications on the same machine. Additionally, SUSE Linux 10 contned a range of features that allowed more efficient management of system resources and enhanced security. The process of booting up a computer running SUSE Linux 10 is an essential aspect of using the operating system. In this article, we explore this process in detl.

Powering Up the Computer

The booting process of a computer running SUSE Linux 10 starts with powering up the machine. When the computer is switched on, the BIOS (basic input/output system) loads, and subsequently checks the hardware components of the machine, such as the hard disk, graphics card, and CPU. If the BIOS detects any errors, it will halt the booting process and present an error message on the screen. Assuming there are no problems detected, the BIOS will then execute the Master Boot Record (MBR) program located in the boot sector of the hard disk.

Loading GRUB

The MBR program then begins loading the bootloader program, typically GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader), into memory. GRUB is a software component that allows the computer to load SUSE Linux 10 from the hard disk into memory. During the loading phase, GRUB displays a boot menu that allows the user to choose which operating system or kernel to load.

The kernel is the core of an operating system and is responsible for controlling various hardware components, managing memory, and performing other low-level tasks. When the user selects the kernel, GRUB passes control to the kernel code to continue with the booting process.

Init Process

Once the kernel and its components are loaded into memory, the init process begins. The init process is responsible for starting and managing various system services and components, such as network configurations, user management, and file system mounting. The init process also performs a range of checks on the system to ensure that components are correctly loaded, and that no errors are reported.

System Services

Upon completion of the init process, the system services and components are started up. These system services include a range of essential applications and processes such as X.Org, which is responsible for controlling the graphical user interface, and the network stack, which is responsible for handling network connections. As the system services are started, various log files are also created to record events and errors.

User Login

The final stage of booting a computer running SUSE Linux 10 is the user login phase. When the graphical user interface starts, the user is presented with a login screen, where they can enter their username and password. Once the user is authenticated, the graphical user interface loads the user’s desktop environment, where they can access their applications, files, and other resources.


Booting a SUSE Linux 10 computer is a critical process that ensures the operating system and all its components are correctly loaded into memory. The computer’s hardware components are checked, the bootloader is loaded, and the kernel and its components are started, followed by the system services and the graphical user interface. Understanding the booting process is essential for troubleshooting and system administration, and can help users optimize their use of SUSE Linux 10.


怎样通过OpenSuse 11.0的安装盘启动进入suse linux系统?




没有光驱启动.开启虚拟机后 ESC进行设置。 (就是开启的哪一刹那键销空)

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